Working with @salvaindustrial_bakery’s ELECSOL electric deck oven with a great sturdy-but-smooth setter system. It has a smallish footprint so it shouldn’t cramp your bakery or kitchen but a wide and deep baking area loaded with one belt. So… an end to backbreaking hand-loading (you can still do that for fun on your holidays) but a sane quick way to get your baking done. Steam is fantastic, loaves come out with a totally even bake from the stone-sole oven area, and the very fine steam mist keeps the floured areas of crust dry while giving the slashes and bare areas of crust a dramatic sheen. Fantastic use of modern technology to give artisan baking character to the loaves.
Here with sourdough maestro Arturo Blanco Erquicia, Seleccionador Nacional, #LosEspigas #Madrid, and chef Liz from @geraldsbarss
#repost @salva.rus
Дэн Лепард (Dan Lepard) – австралийский пекарь, кулинарный обозреватель, фотограф, телеведущий и знаменитый повар – проводит мастер-класс в нашем шоу-рум ???????????? #danlepard #salvaindustrial #salvaovens #подовыепечи #подовыйхлеб #ремесленныйхлеб #экохлеб