[igp-embed url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/C1h1UgrqrJA/embed/” width=”612″ data-instgrm-captioned=””] Wishing everyone a happy New Year and hoping that you all find peace and security in your life in 2024. It’s a difficult time for so many people: if that’s you and you’re finding it all too overwhelming there will be people on Instagram, Threads, Facebook like me that (with a nudge in our DM’s) will try to help you feel a little less alone and fearful. Do make time to look after your health, don’t eat all the cakes, and find new vegetables to enjoy (I can definitely recommend grated raw courgette in salads). Let’s meet new people, uncover and let go of our biases, prejudices, that’s what I aim to do. And keep posting those wonderful pictures that show us your life. I love the windows of surprise this app shows me, especially your food and cooking, your pets (dogs, definitely), your smiling faces, and those pictures of strange things we can all laugh about. So here we go, BRING IT ON 2024, we’re as ready as we ever will be for you 🥳
