Went back to the suburban hot spring onsen #MizonokuchiOnsen in #Kanagawa #Kawasaki, #takatsuward, #Chitose for a second time, staying for a few hours and getting the form right: last visit I didn’t take off my shoes right at the start (there are lockers before you enter) and then was embarrassed when I realised there was no-where for your shoes beyond the ticket gate (no-one said anything to me) so had to blush and creep out to restart the process. Sooooo, I wanted to go back again and do it all properly. Had lots of baths, still extremely busy there, had a Japanese massage (lots of pressing on muscles and twisting the body around), then went band had matsu udon curry, went ???????? on the hotness but didn’t know there was a load of chilliest at the bottom of the dish so went into a chocking splutter and had to dash off for water. ANYway, all ended well, legs don’t hurt as much as they did before the onsen so that’s a win.
Note: eating katsu udon curry in onsen clothes feels like sitting in your pj’s in public eating a curry. Very strange.
