Well it’s been a funny old December, husband’s cough turned into pneumonia so on the orders of our GP I rushed him to the amazing @stgeorgestrust #stgeorgeshospital down the road and they have been working their magic on him. Until the staff identified the cause I had to mask and glove up in case it was the flu (it wasn’t so we’re relieved). In hospital tourism news we were able to see the red phone starring in @channel4’s #24hrsAE, so that was exciting too. Hoping hubby will be home for Christmas.
Postscript: David is doing very well this morning: he was admitted last Tuesday morning and was immediately moved from his #honeyandlemon home remedy to iv antibiotics and steroids, and that did the trick. Here at home I haven’t turned full #johncandy #unclebuck just yet though Bruno our #staffordshirebullterrier has been giving me a few “really?!?!?” looks as his dinners have been scraped together (nogiant pancakes for the two of us so far…).