Very excited to be signing books, talking about sourdough baking and answering your questions on Saturday 24th November (talk at 2pm) at this year’s Great Dixter Christmas Fair @greatdixtershop, with the lovely David @whitehouseofwhitehouse looking after the books, all to help raise money for the nations medieval treasure maintained by Fergus Garrett & Perry Rodriguez, and their team at @greatdixterofficial, with huge personal thanks to @ginaportman and the talented @aaronbertelsenofficial for getting me there.
It’s a brilliant two-day event (I’m only there on the Saturday but the festivities go on all weekend) as local traders, purveyors of fine goods, artisans and artists will be selling their wares in Great Dixter’s Medieval halls, Great Barn, gardens and outbuildings. Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November 2018, 10am-4pm; entrance £5.00 per person (under 16s free). Great Dixter, Northiam, Rye, E. Sussex, TN31 6PH