Spent Monday with the marvellous Lee @leesbread intensely talking about everything from the flavour sourdough to running a bakery and almost everything in between. I grabbed these bread shots from Lee’s Instagram as I didn’t have time to visit this trip but wanted to show you why she’s so inspiring. All Lee’s baking is fine using 100% Japanese ingredients, locally-milled flour, organic wherever possible but equally concerned about supporting struggling producers. I know how challenging this can be and how strong the temptation is to rely upon imported or industrialised ingredients that sometimes have very seductive baking properties but to do that would the highs you gain in achieving what you want from simply what you have…that way lies greatness in my mind. Was showing Lee the pictures from @_grainz_ a few weeks ago and the fantastic baking done by @jobarrett @loaferbread @wildhearthbakery @michaeljamesbakes and everyone involved. Maybe one day there could be a @_grainz_ event in Japan? We met at @citybakeryjapan, a fantastic artisan place right near a busy train station, doing fantastic baking and possibly the only coffee close to what you get in Melbourne ????