Meaty bones at @Morrisons: was showing a friend the the store in #mitcham #southlondon and doing a reconnaissance scout before Christmas to work out where to buy things, and thought @morrisons is usually very good on meat and fish. That’s when I met the very helpful Dominique the butcher (that’s me with him in the picture) bringing out a trolley of beef ribs aka #meatybones. I said “are they beef ribs” and he said “yep, they sure are”. And then Morrison’s fishmonger who was with him and also very helpful said to me “I cook’em on top of sliced raw onions in a pot in the oven”, and I said “SO DO I”, and he shouted “NO WAY, YOU COOK’EM THE SAME WAY”, and I shouted “YES I DO” and so you see that’s what got this rolling.
I normally do a dry rub on braised beef but back in 2015 I did a miso and apple pork braise for @goodfoodau Australia using a Korean fermented chili paste called #gochujang (google search – dan lepard pork miso apple – to find it) and so I thought I’d try something similar on beef. The #고추장 #Gochujang has a special sour-fermented flavour that might not be to everyone’s taste, so do substitute roasted pureed red peppers, kicked up a notch with chilli to suit.
For the marinade: 100g red pepper paste, #고추장 #Gochujang, 50g tamari, 3 fat peeled and mashed garlic cloves, 50g honey, all mixed together and rubbed onto 2kg @morrisons meaty beef ribs aka #meatybones. Sit these on a bed of sliced raw onions and roast at 150c fan with the lid on for about 2 hours. To serve, lift the meat out, skim the excess fat off the top (easiest to do this by tipping the onions and juices into a saucepan), then stir in 20g tomato paste and 50g bourbon ???? or dark rum (or apple juice) and ladle some of this hot over the #meatybones.
Got my #고추장 #Gochujang and Tamari from #HooHing Mitcham, great local SE Asian – Korean – Japanese grocer. How I miss our short-lived @koreafoodsuk Mitcham.
