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Just woken up thinking what a fantastic day we had at @greatdixterofficial yesterday with David @whitehouseofwhitehouse manning the table by the fire where we held fort, so delightfully intense with loads of interesting people, it was like the most amazing house party filled with super fun bods, interesting stalls selling the most curious and covetable things, all thanks to @ginaportman’s brilliant eye and choices. A curated Christmas fair, that’s what it is. Then had coffee by the fire with @aaronbertelsenofficial and his lovely crew, telling stories, so much fun.

Got back home after a somewhat terrifying drive through the rain (the other cars driving super fast through the downpour and darkness, aaaahhh) so thought I’d have a drink I hadn’t had in years. Martini with a twist, in home measures so it fills the glass to the rim. Had setup a steak & #bearnaisesauce dinner to have on getting home, with those crisp turmeric roasties of mine (recipe on @goodfoodau), a great bottle of red, finished with intense-with-vanilla cheesecake, watched that sad #davidcassidy documentary on the @bbc app (watching a doc on alcoholism while drinking, I know), then slept deeply and soundly until 7am. Woke up cuddled next to Bruno & hubby looking like a wild man. What a day ️
