Indian MP Rahul Gandhi makes marmalade

[igp-embed url=”” width=”612″ data-instgrm-captioned=””] If ever there was a “politician’s marmalade” then the Gandhi family in India triumphs! Over the moon that Indian 🇮🇳 MP @rahulgandhi is helping his mother – the much-respected politician Sonia Gandhi – make marmalade to his sister’s Priyanka Gandhi (who is General Secretary of Indian National Congress) recipe. And I hope his grandmother the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is looking down from heaven and smiling. Now I don’t know exactly what fruit but it looks very much like kumquat, and that happens to be my mother’s favourite marmalade. Well @rahulgandhi if you would like to enter in the 2024 @marmaladeawards at @dalemainmansion there’s still time, the entry forms are on the @marmaladeawards website. Here’s to more marmalade making in India 🇮🇳🧡
