I photographed #PattiLupone one afternoon after a dress rehearsal for @lesmizofficial in November 1985, in her dressing room at #palacetheatrelondon. Lupone was utterly patient with 21 yo me as a flustered with this old plate camera and a fluorescent strip light. Lupone looked beautiful, a magical time. [ed to correct the date, thx to @bygonebroadway for help here]
Posted @withrepost • @bygonebroadway From a photo shoot for Vogue Italia, Patti LuPone as Fantine in LES MISERABLES, taken during rehearsals shortly before its West End premiere at London’s Palace Theatre in 1985. (Photo: Dan Lepard)
#pattilupone #fantine #danlepard #lesmiserables #lesmis #lesmiz #palacetheatrelondon #vogueitalia #1985 #1980s #80s #theatre #musical #musicaltheatre #popopera #westendmusical #broadwaymusical #theatrehistory #westend #broadway #broadwayhistory #bygonebroadway