Have scaled-up my Japanese-style white’ish

[igp-embed url=”https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwsDvhCKLgr/embed/” width=”612″ data-instgrm-captioned=””] Have scaled-up my Japanese-style white’ish tin loaf thanks to @campbell2664 and his superb heavy-duty large Pullman tin – available from his website – here taking 1.6kg dough (baked weight 1.5kg). So the equivalent of two 800g loaves side to side. Having a large slice means you can cut the crusts off and still have a generous sandwich. Now, need to think about what to eat with it?
おかげで @campbell2664 のすごい頑丈な大きなプルマン型を使って、日本風の白っぽい食パンをスケールアップ!この型は彼のウェブサイトで手に入るよ〜。今回は1.6kgの生地を使って焼き上がりは1.5kg。800gの食パンを2つ並べたような感じ。大きなスライスだから、耳を切ってもまだたっぷりサンドイッチが作れるんだよ。さて、これに何を合わせようかな 🤔
