Got to @vanertokyo when it opened on Sunday morning. Even though it’s not much life for a baker, to have the best fresh bread ready on a Sunday is a beautiful thing to respect and enjoy. Founder head baker Tsukasa Miyawaki @tsukasa_grohl opened Vaner last August and has been stirring up excitement. Robbie Swinnerton @tokyofoodfile said it was a must visit, and it is, for the baking as well as the very seductive setting in old tar black wooden buildings, looking almost like craft workers sheds. Met with Chiaki @kushimotochiaki, Miyuki, and Megumi Hagaiwara there.

Very complex flavour in Tsukasa’s bread, the crumb is very delicate and gently sour while the crust and the crumb directly bordering it has a much more pronounced acidity and tang. The crust has a reddish dark bronze colour, with just a few charred glints.

The pastries are really exceptional, and don’t need words from me to convince you.
