Gin nights: super Thai cooking buddies up with the best gin & tonic brilliantly, so after @enzocassini plonked a bottle of @goldygin (concocted by @mauriceterzini from @icebergsdiningroomandbar with übersexy designer @justinoshea) on the table we had a crazy night ahead. Ate fried soft shell crabs with a cashew salad, rice paper wrapped spring rolls, crab curry, fish grilled in banana leaves, lots of Thai rice and fresh pickles. Finished with a dessert @michaelgram.85 concocted riffing on his great tiramisu recipe from @aman_venice Best night, thanks to the great Thai chefs at @amanpuri. Thanks to @enzo_cassini, @denisplacereani, @thenedlondon’s exec chef @michele.nargi and his lovely partner, along with Lorenzo, @lucarogermascolo @m.hirakii @michaelgram.85 and the floor staff at @amanpuri