Fantastic dinner in the evening

Fantastic dinner in the evening at Gaztelupe, a #donostia #sociedadgastronomica established in 1916, that @salvaindustrial_bakery CEO David Llordes @dllordes cooked for us – I know, amazing, can you imagine the CEO of any other company cooking for a group of visiting chefs and bakers, brilliant. These #donostia Sociedad Gastronomicas are clubs where members cook for one another in (in the few I’ve eaten at) very well-equipped kitchens, and simple but great wines and beers.
Agniezka Naumowicz-Zincuk and her chef Maciej were there from Koree Poland, and Maciej and I got into after-dinner g&t races, as you do.

Bought the bread we baked at our @salvaindustrial_bakery day from two doughs I’d mixed earlier before everyone arrived : a 70% water sourdough-base spelt & harina fuerza, then a 85% water simple white with 30% white sourdough, both with 1% yeast for speed but should’ve left it out as they rose quickly, too quickly.

The best bread needs great food: freshly fried chillies, jamon, wobbly eggs with fresh cheese and truffle, fried cod, then basque cheesecake. Slept well that night.
