Both the @yawatahama_marmalade_festival and the @marmaladeawards are events that raise money for charity, and certainly for @dalemainmansion’s @marmaladeawards hospice care has always been our focus and with setting up the first #marmaladefestivaljapan that was our aim too. However sometimes events overtake your plans.
Last September when I was in Japan, #typhoonjebi tore through Ehime and devastated many small family farms that had taken decades to build with mature citrus trees, and terraced hills. With the rain and weather Jebi pushed through these farms were often just destroyed. And you know, though we care for a moment sending our prayers and our memes, soon enough we’re distracted by a new emergency, another area around the world.
Many many local people got together and helped these families start to rebuild their lives, and we looked on wondering ho best to help their team efforts. Together the groups from Yawatahama and Dalemain suggested that perhaps we could raise money to help families in Ehime affected by last year’s typhoon.
If you look at the third picture here, and enlarge it, in the upper right hand side you’ll see oranges on a tree. This was a farm, this was a terraced orchard and a family’s livelihood, and now just grass and avalanched dirt and gravel swept down by the rains and typhoon.
So that’s what we’ve been raising money for, and that’s where funds will got after this @yawatahama_marmalade_festival.