Arrived in #Yawatahama city hall office for a very long planning meeting for the @yawatahama_marmalade_festival, the city looking beautiful with the heady aroma of orange blossom in the air, even in the car park, wow. Truly dazzled by the depth of planning and events that Mayumi Ninomiya, Miyuki Kokubu, Syouji Tokuda and their team have planned, so diverse involving the whole community, marmalade as a metaphor for preserving and encouraging sweetness and harmony, I’ll leave it as surprises for now but just to say there are some very beautiful and touching days planned. Of consecutive there’s trepidation and nervous hopefulness but, in my heart, it feels right
Mayumi is directing the event, and the schedule over the next two weeks Is very exciting. I can’t believe that finally, after three years of planning with the Embassy of Japanese an in London and @marmaladeawards & @dalemainmansion, that it begins in a few hours.
As the meeting finished very late we went to a family-style diner called Joyfull, a bit like an 80s version of Denny’s in the US, except this one has #edamame and hot sake in place of cola and fries, and crisp comforting #katsucurry in place of fried chicken and gravy. Slept like a log, exhausted but very very excited.